Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Postfeminist Paradoxes: the Portrayal of Postfeminist Sensibilities in Postmodern Teen Drama Series Euphoria

Universiteit Gent
Dit onderzoek bestudeert hoe hedendaags postfeminisme gerepresenteerd wordt in de controversiële tienerdramaserie Euphoria (HBO). Verder stelt het escapisme voor als nieuw postfeministisch thema.
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De Belangen van de Levenden en de Doden in het Theater van Toshiki Okada

Universiteit Antwerpen
de Waard
This thesis examines Okada Toshiki’s Ground and Floor and Time’s Journey from the perspective of
post- and nonhumanism, especially in the vein of those dead. Within the various strands of post- and
non-humanism, the focus is on ghosts, especially as described by Jacques Derrida - who coined the
term “hauntology” - and by Mark Fisher, who applied the term to his theory. Post- and nonhuman
philosophy have the potential to inspire creative, innovative and effective ways of re-thinking the
human that surpasses mere humanist self-hatred. By staging ghosts and drawing attention to
nonhuman others, Okada’s theatre fits within this project. I would like to propose that the ghost can
be used as a metaphor within a more fruitful post-anthropocentric worldview. This would be a
Hauntoloscene, a world in which we gain spirit by recontextualizing our relationship with what is not.
The figure of the ghost allows the past to be brought into the present.
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Karl Jaspers' Philosophical Faith in the Face of the Problem of Nihilism

KU Leuven
Once the boundaries between immanent existence and transcendence have been drawn, a typically modern undertaking, all we are left with is the sensible, whereas the supersensible becomes synonymous with the illusionary. This predicament does not have to be inherently problematic, at least from a religious point of view. For philosophy, however, it has often been understood in terms of a disaster, addressed with the ambiguous notion of nihilism. This is particularly true of post-Nietzschean philosophy, in which a holistic understanding of the notion of nihilism is often adopted to argue for the impossibility of both philosophy and transcendence. In this master’s thesis I investigate the relationship between nihilism, philosophy and transcendence as it came about in the philosophy of Karl Jaspers (1883–1969). This 20th century German thinker took great interest in the concern of the captivity of the immanence of thought and formulated creative answers to the question of transcendence after the alleged death of God. For Jaspers, the problem of nihilism was perennial to philosophy, and in the course of his life he devoted many pages to an attempt of overcoming it.
First, this thesis analyses the problem of nihilism on its own, in its pre-Nietzschean and Nietzschean manifestations, to come to terms with its alleged threat to philosophy. With regard to the vastness and richness of the notion, some topics are inevitably left out, such as the religious nihilism of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem, or the extensive elaborations on nihilism in contemporary continental philosophy, for example on the divergence between the interpretations of Martin Heidegger and Emanuele Severino. Second, we turn to Jaspers’ own understanding of nihilism. Jaspers defined the nature and value of philosophy through its confrontation with nihilism, which, for him, represented a kind of anti-philosophy. Philosophy had to go through nihilism to become true philosophizing. Jaspers proposed an ingenious argument that separates nihilism from philosophy, existence from immanence and truth from knowledge. To make this case, we primarily turn to Jaspers’ Von der Wahrheit, Der philosophische Glaube and his books on Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. In Nietzsche und das Christentum, for example, Jaspers argued that Nietzsche at times separated the figure of Jesus from Christianity. In this separation, Jaspers argued, a possible way of overcoming Nietzsche’s nihilism in a philosophy that originates in love was already made possible by the fundamental distinctions of Nietzsche’s own critique of Christianity, for example his dismissal of all contradictions.
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Resettlement preferences from landslide prone areas in the Bamboutos caldera: Willingness to move, reasons to stay

KU Leuven
Information about resettlement preferences is important for voluntary resettlement programs to be a successful disaster risk reduction strategy. This study combines semi-structured interviews and structured household surveys which includes a discrete choice experiment to elicit ex-ante resettlement preferences of households that live in landslide prone areas. We use a mixed logit model and latent class model to assess resettlement preferences and to investigate differences in preferences between socioeconomic groups. We find that, in general, people are willing to resettle away from a landslide prone area to a safer area and to an area that is accessible by roads. The willingness to resettle increases when additional arable land is provided, when the extended family can come along and when monetary compensation is offered. However, the relative importance of these attributes varies among socioeconomic groups. More wealthy households show a greater willingness to resettle and attach more importance to improved road infrastructure, while poorer respondents are less willing to resettle and attach more importance to whether their family can move along. Although the majority of households are willing to resettle, previous resettlement attempts were not always successful and individual willingness is not translated into actions. This can be attributed to the fact that little unused land is available in highly populated areas which may results in border disputes at the resettlement destination. In addition, resettling is costly and the effective monetary compensation received by resettlers is often low (and not in line with the government’s promises). Finally, group dynamics also play a role: households mainly want to resettle along with their (extended) family. Hence, if there is no consensus among a large part of the community to resettle, the status quo remains.
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De brand in de Innovation: Het Inno-effect op de Belgische samenleving

KU Leuven
Deze masterproef handelt over één van de grootste na-oorlogse rampen van België: de brand in de Innovation. 251 mensen lieten er het leven. Er wordt onderzocht wat de impact van de brand op de Belgische maatschappij was en op welke manier deze Belgische casus een bijdrage kan zijn voor het nieuwe, interdisciplinaire onderzoeksdomein van de Disaster Studies.
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Crisismanagement en de ramp in Fukushima: de invloed van het ‘Nuclear Village’

KU Leuven
Crisis Management and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster
The influence of the Nuclear Village
Kelly Knapen

The triple meltdown in the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant on the 11th of March 2011 has been coined the second worst nuclear disaster since Tsjernobyl. It created a shockwave through the world. Concerns about the safety of this energy source rose to new heights. Voices arose to completely step away from nuclear energy altogether. In Japan this became very apparent. The government experienced massive waves of criticism. Mainly on the way they handled the crisis. This dissertation looked deeper into the crisis management regarding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and investigated whether this was effective or not. Secondly this research concentrated on the reasons behind the failures of the crisis management, mainly concentrating on the influence of the Nuclear Village and what effect this had on the crisis management itself.
To achieve this, this dissertation first looked deeper into the legal framework surrounding crisis management in Japan to investigate whether two important aspects of crisis management were covered namely those of preparation and prevention. Secondly it used the reports of the ‘Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission’ of the National Diet of Japan and ‘The Independent Investigation committee on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident’ to look deeper into the immediate crisis respons and looked whether the three important elements of communication, cooperation and leadership were present. Lastly, by using the theory of George Stigler on ‘Regulatory Capture’ and the more concrete studie on the ‘Nuclear Village’ of Kainuma (開沼) and Kingston, this dissertation formed its conclusion on the reason behind the problems regarding crisis management in Japan and its effectiveness.
Out of this research it became apparent that there were serious problems concerning the crisis management of the Fukushima nuclear accident. It became clear that nuclear safety was not ensured. The government did not learn the necessary lessons from the two severe incidents that occurred before the disaster in Fukushima, which should have served as a wake-up call. During the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the main players in crisis management distrusted each other, which lead to a general lack of cooperation, communication and leadership. Although this was a period of crisis, where no one acts perfectly according to plan, this research made clear that the influence of TEPCO on the different players was a major factor in the failure of the crisis management concerning the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
This crisis eventually led to a structural reform of crisis management in Japan. This can certainly be called a big step forward. However regarding the nature of the Nuclear Village, as a deeply-enrooted system, a reform alone may not be enough. On this part more research is definitely needed.

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Cofán Pragmatism in Times of Uncertainty: Negotiating the Negligent Hegemonic State and Imaginary Oil

KU Leuven
Julio Ignacio
Rodriguez Stimson
The Cofán people of Zábalo, a community in the Ecuadorian Amazon, have always engaged pragmatically on an everyday basis with their forest-based lifestyle and relations with the government, corporations and outsiders (fuesu a’i). However, in recent years the community has been dealing with growing uncertainty, internal economic inequality, high unemployment, and an Ecuadorian state that extends governmental control, while also neglecting the needs of people in this region. A myriad of factors discussed in this paper, including the increased integration of outside commodities into the Cofáns’ daily life, have led me to believe that unless the Cofán gain access to a steady source of financial income to purchase basic supplies and commodities (such as bullets, gasoline and salt), many people will have to look for work outside the community or allow oil companies to exploit their resources. The growing accumulation of wealth by just two families in the community, increasing dependence on money, lack of access to jobs, and internal political divisions have increased distrust and bad talk (ega afa’cho). Through a two-month stay with the community, where I interviewed 25 individuals (collecting 67 hours of semi-structured interviews) and produced 7 short films , I mainly sought to answer the following three questions: What political and economic changes have these people encountered in recent years? What is the community’s relationship with money, commodities and other sources of value? Can the Cofán maintain an ideal tranquil (opatssi) life and take care of the forest (tsampima coiraye), while simultaneously engaging with external influences, including restrictive laws, expansion of the capitalist frontier, commodities, the Socio Bosque environmental conservation government scheme, populist local politicians, and the potential of oil exploitation?

I conclude that Zábalo is currently a frontier of ‘negligent hegemonic control’ and is becoming more assimilated into the global economic market, creating a greater dependence on money and commodities, which is both changing people’s relationship to the concepts of opatssi and tsampima coiraye and also making them more likely find a pragmatic solution to their economic problems, such as allowing oil exploitation. Finally, this paper advocates for an engaged, activist anthropology in the context of a neoliberal world with increasing inequality, marginalized indigenous peoples, and increasing environmental degradation.
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Misdaden tegen de Mensheid, Mensenrechten en Conflicttransformatie in het toetredingsbeleid van de Europese Unie

Universiteit Gent
Europa Ziet SterretjesDe toetredingsperikelen van de ex-Joegoslavische landen leggen de ziel van de Europese Unie blootEuropa staat in een spreidstand: terwijl de kreet voor minder EU in veel lidstaten steeds luider klinkt, willen verschillende kandidaat-lidstaten net niets liever dan het lidmaatschap. Dankzij een onderzoek naar het toetredingsparcours van de kandidaat-lidstaten uit ex-Joegoslavië kunnen lessen getrokken worden voor een vernieuwde, hechtere EU.Een eengemaakt, maar verbrokkeld EuropaDe EU telt momenteel 28 lidstaten.
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CT-gebaseerde robuuste statistische vormmodellering voor forensische craniofaciale reconstructie

KU Leuven
 Het gelaat ontmaskerdWanneer een Japanse tsunami een dodelijk pad trekt over de kust van Sendai of wanneer een Boeing 727 crasht tijdens een landing in Kinshasa, tracht de media zo snel mogelijk cijfers weer te geven over het aantal slachtoffers. Duizelingwekkende cijfers om minstens even bij stil te staan. Maar heeft u er ook al eens bij stilgestaan dat alle slachtoffers ook geïdentificeerd moeten worden. Van een vriend, een kennis, een familielid of collega die betrokken was in de ramp, blijft soms weinig herkenbaars over.
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Social and Economic Influence of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Flander Belgium

Universiteit Hasselt
 Migration has a long history since the birth of humanity. The largest movements of people in history were the barbarian migrations that overran the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries AD and the Atlantic Migration to the Americas from the early 1800s to the early decades of the 20th century. For a thousand years, from the end of the Roman Empire in the West until the middle of the 15th century, the history of Europe, Asia, and North Africa consists of an almost unbroken series of invasions, wars, and conquests.
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Diachronisch onderzoek naar de bewaringstoestand van begraven menselijke resten in de bodem van het Vlaamse Gewest

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

In welke grond wil u begraven worden?
Ongetwijfeld hebt u zich al eens afgevraagd wat er na de dood met uw lichaam onder de grond gebeurt. Iedereen kent wel het beeld van krioelende maden die zich te goed doen aan ons vlees. Maar wist u ook dat de ontbinding van uw lichaam in hoge mate beïnvloed wordt door de bodem waarin u begraven ligt?
De Duitse overheid stelde al enkele jaren geleden de vraag naar de relatie tussen de bodem van een kerkhof en het vergaan van begraven lichamen. Op bepaalde begraafplaatsen bleken sommige lichamen haast niet te vergaan.
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Een kritische analyse betreffende de coördinatieaspecten bij internationaal opererende snelle crisisinterventieorganisaties - met een toepassing van B-FAST

Universiteit Antwerpen
Crisis bij de internationale hulpverleners?

In 2000 werd Mozambique geteisterd door hevige overstromingen. Ondanks de aangeboden hulp van 49 landen en 30 NGO’s kon men niet vermijden dat 699 mensen het leven lieten. Nader onderzoek toonde aan dat een gebrek aan ervaring, een ondermaats openbaar beleid en een recente reorganisatie van de overheid aan de basis lagen van het hoge dodental.
Rampen zoals deze in Mozambique zijn geen unicum en het lijkt aannemelijk dat de technologie erger heeft kunnen vermijden.
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