The Language of Trauma in Ken Saro-Wiwa's "Sozaboy"

Universiteit Gent
De experimentele taal “Rotten Engels” die Ken Saro-Wiwa creëert in zijn veelgeprezen anti-oorlogsroman 'Sozaboy' is een bijzonder effectief middel om het trauma van oorlog en de ecologische impact van oorlog weer te geven.
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Assessing the impact of interzonal migration on travel demand in Flanders using an Activity-based model.

Universiteit Hasselt
  • Muhammad
Following the considerable attention of activity-based models in transportation planning and forecasting, and the necessity to understand and reveal the impacts of transportation policies, this paper aims to simulate and examine a population policy scenario. It explicitly uses FEATHERS, a demand-side activity-based model, operational for Flanders, Belgium. The ABM is required to estimate how the interzonal migration of Flanders’ population from small towns/villages to large, urbanized city areas will closely affect the daily activity-travel choices of the individuals. A current baseline scenario is executed alongside three migration scenarios that account for a spatial redistribution of the population (2%, 5%, 10%) with equal proportions. Results suggest an impact on mode choice during peak hours, with a significant shift from car as a driver to public transport. Besides mode choice, there is a considerable decrease in the total number of trips. As a result, the total vehicle kilometres travelled, and total vehicle hours travelled reduce remarkably. While on the contrary there is hardly any effect on the activity choice.
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Evaluating the tradeoff in sustainability between time windows and failed deliveries in an e-commerce last-mile context.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Benítez Prieto
Evaluation of the tradeoff in sustainability between time windows vs failed deliveries, all in an e-commerce last-mile context.

From the introduction... The fast evolution of information technology services and the dynamic changes in the market, from having customers claiming to have a more efficient and prompt service to a green consumerism trend, are profoundly impacting the way of doing business. This is making the companies adapt through the search for new solutions to become as efficient as possible. In particular, e-commerce is becoming more relevant in the business world, which has a prominent role in influencing customers’ behavior.
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Circus Therapy: Research into the use of Circus as a Therapeutic Medium in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Arteveldehogeschool Gent
Kan circus gebruikt worden als therapie? Wat houdt dat in en waar schuilt de therapeutische waarde?
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Mindfulness and Burnout

Universiteit Hasselt
This thesis focused on the employees with burnout history in Belgium to investigate their experiences of returning to work after burnout and to examine how mindfulness practices can support them during the reintegration period.
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Translating Homesickness in Nâzım Hikmet’s Poems: A Chronotopical Reading of Homesickness in Literary Translation

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
İlayda Buse
In dit onderzoek wordt Nâzım Hikmets heimwee in zijn gedichten bestudeerd qua tijd en ruimte. Om te zien hoe zijn heimwee wordt weergegeven in vertaling wordt een selectie van de Engelse vertalingen van zijn gedichten geanalyseerd met betrekking tot strategieën voor poëzie vertalen.
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“We don't eat batteries. Without water there is no life". A queer-ecology approach to lithium extractivism in the context of the energy transition: the case of South America.

Universiteit Gent
De verborgen kosten van onze groene energietransitie zijn niet gender neutraal.
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Voluntary vs Cued Language-switching in a Sentence Context

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Luz Maria
The language switching performance of two sets of bilinguals was tested using a task that involved a sentential context. Speakers of the first group (Spanish-English bilinguals) were tested in both a voluntary and a cued parameter, whereas the second group (Arabic-English bilinguals) were tested only in the voluntary parameter. The first group delivered a reduction of switch costs in the voluntary parameter, and the second, an elimination of costs suggesting that more ecologicaly valid experimental setups such as the one used, contribute to a reduction of switch costs.
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CINEFILIE 2.0 & DE ARTHOUSE CINEMA: Een exploratief onderzoek naar de filmbeleving van jonge stadscinefielen en Gentse arthouse cinema’s

Universiteit Gent
Mediavilla Aboulaoula
De cinema als exclusief filmplatform is verleden tijd. Wie vandaag een film wil zien, heeft 1001 online opties om uit te kiezen. Deze masterproef wil nagaan in hoeverre de arthouse cinema in deze context nog een rol speelt in de filmbeleving en sociaal leven van jonge stadscinefielen.
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Collicular-driven stopping behavior is modulated by the posterior paralaminar nuclei of the thalamus

Universiteit Antwerpen
Genomineerde shortlist Eosprijs
This project examines the contribution of a specific brain region, the posterior paralaminar nuclei of the thalamus (PPnT), to innate stopping behavior in mice. We found that inhibition of the PPnT facilitates habituation to repeated stimulation of NTSR neurons in the superior colliculus. These results have implications for understanding and treating similar circuits involved in human disease, such as in post-traumatic stress disorder.
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